Virtual event

Coursera Conference 2021

A virtual event for the Coursera community


Create an engaging virtual experience for attendees


Each year Coursera puts on a conference for our partners to look ahead to the future of higher education. Being a 100% virtual event in 2021, we were looking for ways to delight our attendees and keep them engaged through hours of conference programing as we were all starting to feel Zoom fatigue.

Creative requirements

Position Coursera as a key innovation partner in the global transformation of higher education and lifelong learning.

Showcase the positive impact of the Coursera community.

Roles & responsibilities

Myself: Art Direction
Collaborators: Director of Brand, Senior Designer, Events Team, CMO, CEO

Audience & channels

Audience: University partners, Industry partners, Enterprise customers
Live event
Presentation decks
Social media


Toward a better tomorrow

I wanted our event to feel dynamic and immersive despite being virtual, so I created visuals using kinetic type, video and animation techniques to bring the conference experience to life and add a sense of physicality to the digital world we were creating.

Conference typography

This event was a fast follow after our rebrand launch, and would be one of the first touchpoints many of our partners would have with our new branding, so I wanted to remain pretty consistent with the rebrand look and feel. I chose our brand font "Source sans pro" in bold to provide a powerful, bold expression to Coursera Conference's tone of voice.

Conference logo

Our new conference logo followed our brand logo architecture with a smaller 'Coursera' and larger secondary brand name to indicate that this event is an offshoot of the main Coursera brand and has its own, separate identity from the platform.

Conference color palette

The conference color palette used predominantly cool tones to dial up our Trusted brand value, with some warmer accents to create an Uplifting and Inventive feeling during the experience.

Conference teaser

Innovation in motion

We would tease topics our speakers would be discussing in reels used in targeted social and email communication to our partner community.

Video-driven reel

Striking video footage would capture attention on social media channels.

Typography-driven reel

Short, type-based animation would be ideal for email where every kb counts.


Up-leveling an out-of-the-box solution

To enliven the out-of-the-box event page we would use bold imagery and motion graphics as a low-lift way to brand the templatized site.

Conference Videos

Celebrating our bold community

Though we were apart, we wanted conference to have the same energy as our in-person events. I created reels to be used throughout the conference experience to remind attendees of the bold vision we were working towards together and the learners around the world we were serving.

Interstitial videos

Between conference sessions we would play interstitial videos that reflected the conference theme and discussion topics.

Learner story intros

I used a parallax effect to make still photography of our learners come to life with dynamic movement.